Today we’d like to introduce you to Grace Sam.
Grace, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I didn’t set out to be a photographer. It all started as a hobby. I took pictures, and people noticed it. They provided some feedback and comments. Some of those comments prompted me to set up a website to connect with them. That was the beginning.
I was born and raised in a middle-class family in South India. Since childhood, I have been interested in arts, history, and literature. When in school, I used to draw and practice calligraphy on the leftover pages of my school notebooks. At that time, I didn’t get many opportunities to pursue or develop my interests. In my mid-twenties, my husband and I moved from India to Colorado on a work visa. I was rather mesmerized by its beautiful hills, valleys, and the snow-capped Rocky Mountain peaks. To keep those picturesque terrain alive in my mind, I tried to capture the images using a Kodak point-and-shoot film camera that had no provision even to zoom.
A few years later, my family and I moved to Texas. Though the landscape of Dallas has no real comparison to Colorado, I could find beauty in the landscape I see around. I took pictures using my very primitive photographic equipment. To share my joy, I used to show those pictures to my co-workers. One day, one of them encouraged me to join a photography course in a local college. Thus, I took 3 levels of photography courses that gave me a fair idea of basic photography: both theoretical as well as practical. Around that time, we were building a new house. My professor gave me the idea of setting up a home studio. The builder helped me to develop a home studio in one of the rooms.
Since then, I advanced to Nikon Full frame camera and later to Sony mirrorless camera.
Once I learned the operations of DSLR cameras, Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop, I began to use photography to turn images into my own work of art. I enjoy designing greeting cards and photo books. The technological advancement- the biggest evolution of photography with digital cameras- opened opportunities to express my ideas and stories in a better manner. In photography, I am always learning – there’s always a new challenge presenting itself. I enjoy using my skills to capture an array of subjects that ranges from emotions of children to family and church gatherings.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It is not quite customary for a first-generation immigrant woman of my circumstances to aspire to be a photographer. Most of them focus on making a decent living. Often the priorities are a good house, upbringing of their children, and their job. In that plight to survive, they wouldn’t have time and resources to invest in their hobbies, particularly something like photography. Photography is time-consuming, and the equipment are expensive.
The biggest challenge I had was time. Photography requires a considerable amount of time. My family has been of great support for me to study for a master’s degree program in Healthcare Informatics and the photography courses. They made many sacrifices. At times, my husband Jojen, and my children would drive hours with me to experiment with the new lenses that were purchased. It wasn’t easy for a woman who has a full-time job and a family to look after. It, however, didn’t discourage me. I knew hard work has no substitute. I missed certain opportunities in life because I was not brave enough to take the next steps.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next, you can tell us a bit more about your business.
I enjoy landscape and outdoor photography much more than indoor photography. Despite this preference, I tend to take a lot of portraits. I love capturing the expressions of toddlers, graduating high school seniors, and families.
At my workplace, I have participated in “On My Own Time” regional art competition organized by the Business Council for the Arts. It showcases the talents and creativity of North Texas businesses professionals and won awards in the past for my landscape photography.
I am able to use my photography skills in multiple ways to serve the community I am involved in.
To answer the question about what sets me apart from others, I would say, “I am a first-generation South Indian immigrant family woman who along with a secular job turned my hobby into a business. Photography is my artistic expression, and I enjoy the beautiful handiwork of God – the nature. I believe in “Aim High, Try Hard, Trust in God, and Do Your Best.”